Katie's Kids [Rhode Island Children's Photography]

The title of this post is a bit misleading. All seven of these little guys and gals are not Katie's, but I like the alliteration. These kids are brothers, sisters, and cousins. Katie was the one from the group who reached out to me to setup the photo session.

We met up at Goddard Park where the carousel building and the beach parking lot is on a dreary Saturday morning. Rain was threatening and the sky was a completely grey blob.

It worked out rather nicely that all the girls had bright reddish pink dresses. What a contrast to the blah-looking sky.

Blueflash is primarily a wedding photography outfit, but we definitely don't stay confined in that box. I have to admit, when I got the email asking about a photoshoot of seven kids with ages ranging from one to seven, I felt like I was stepping out of my comfort zone. There are people out there who specialize in children's photography and are good at it (like Steph Mills, for example). It's definitely a whole different experience.

Thankfully these kids were awesome. They were a lot of fun, had a ton of energy, and were willing to keep a smile pasted on their face for close to an hour.

After a long (in kid time) shoot, I was finally able appease their numerous requests for the "funny face picture". I think these will be great for all of them to look back on when they're in their twenties, thirties, and older. Thanks for hanging out with me guys!

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