One Guy In a Room Full of Ladies

My wife has been attending meet-ups for a group called the PVD Lady Project over the past few months. It's a bunch of girls in the Providence and surrounding area who do stuff. They're the people that are starting businesses, doing things they love, and acting on their dreams. Some of them are running for public office, some are blogging maniacs (one of which is my wife), some run letterpress companies, some offer holistic health advice, etc...

The brunch was at The Local 121 in Providence. I had never been there before and was impressed with how cool it was on the inside. I brought  the bluecube for everyone to use after they finished eating and hearing some talks. The whole album of shots can be seen in the clientspace section of the blueflash website. As you may notice in some of the photos, Ezra decided to make an appearance as well.

On the very right is Sierra and next to her is Julie. They are the co-founders of The PVD Lady Project.

The other reason for me being there was to announce to the group a new project that blueflash is undertaking. blueflash and PVD Lady Project are partnering up for a special photo/story operation dubbed "The Aspiration Project". That's about all I want to say about it right now. It's in the beginning stages and will probably start to make it's debut here on the blog sometime in August. Hey, good things take time.

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