pasha, olga and baby plugovoy

another post in my (still) catch-up mode of shoots from before ezra was born...

pasha and olga were expecting their first child and wanted some photos to remember the pregnancy. we took a ride to a farm in scituate and over to the providence area to get a variety of shots. they were expecting to have the baby in early january and she ended up arriving december 31st. i guess it's kind of lame to post about maternity photos after the baby already arrived. oh well.

the baby's name is fiona and i'll be taking pictures of her within the next week or two so check back in a bit to see pictures of the actual baby rather than the belly that the baby is contained inside of.

we took a hayride to get to the pumpkin field to take some pictures. i felt a little weird riding out there knowing we were not even remotely interested in buying a pumpkin. i had to angle the shot to frame out the picturesque pepsi trailor parked in one corner of the field. not quite sure what plant ordered a pepsi.

check out some more pictures from the shoot. shots of fiona should be here soon...

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